Tyrone Township

& Zoning


Ross Nicholson – Director of Planning & Zoning
Karie Carter  – Planning & Zoning Administrator
Marian Krause – Planning & Zoning Assistant

The Planning and Zoning Department is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Tyrone Township Zoning Ordinance and Land Use Plan.  The Department processes applications, coordinates pre-application meetings and provides staff support to the Township Board, the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals including but not limited to:

• Zoning Permits
• Site Plan Reviews
• Special Land Use Permits
• Zoning Ordinance and Map Amendments
• Text Amendments and Rezoning Requests
• Variance Requests
• Appeals of Administrative Decisions
• Ordinance Interpretations

Construction Permits

Land Use Permits and Waivers must be obtained for all new construction and additions.  Contact Tyrone Township’s Planning and Zoning Department at (810) 629-8631.

Septic and Well Permits must be obtained through the Livngston County Health Department. (517) 546-9850.

Soil Erosion or Grading Permits are obtained throught the Livingston County Drain Commissioner. (517) 546-0040.

Driveway Approach Permits are obtained through the Livingston County Road Commission. (517) 546-4250.

Building Permits are obtained through the Livingston County Building Department. (517) 546-3240.