Tyrone Township


Planning Commission Members

The Planning Commission has a very important role in township government. It monitors the orderly growth of the community and makes recommendations to the Township Board on such diverse issues as Zoning, Ordinance Changes, Site Plans and Comprehensive Development Plans.

The Planning Commission generally meets twice a month; unless otherwise noted, on the second Tuesday and the third Wednesday of each month.  Tuesday meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Hall. Wednesday workshops begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Township Hall. Meeting dates, videos, agendas, minutes, and document packets are posted on the Planning Commission’s Meetings & Minutes page.

Email the Planning Commission at planningchair@tyronetownship.us

Email the Planning & Zoning Department at zoning@tyronetownship.us

  • Jon Ward, Chairman
  • Kevin Ross, Vice-Chairman
  • Bill Wood, Secretary
  • Chris Ropeta, Ex-officio
  • Richard Erickson
  • Garrett Ladd
  • Zach Tucker