Tyrone Township

Zoning Board of Appeals

Zoning Board of Appeals Members

The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) was created to provide residents a forum at which they can appeal issues arising from interpretations of the township’s zoning ordinance.  For example, the strict interpretation of the zoning ordinance would create a hardship when applied to a specific land parcel due to the parcel’s shape.  Perhaps a set back requirement prevents a reasonable use of the land.  The ZBA hears these cases and makes a determination to grant a variance to that unique parcel.  The ZBA is then very much like a court as it conducts its proceedings.  After the ZBA renders its decision and in the event the applicants is still not satisfied with the findings, the result may be appealed to the local circuit court.

For additional information about the ZBA, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at (810) 629-8631.

The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first Monday of the month if requested.  Due to elections or holidays, meetings may be scheduled to another date. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. at the township hall. Meeting dates, agendas, minutes, and videos can be found here.

  • Richard Erickson, Chairman and Ex-officio
  • Joe Trollman, Vice Chairman
  • Don Bunka
  • Tim Scarberry
  • Jeff Scott
  • Chet Schultz (alternate)