Pam Moughler, Clerk
Terri Medor, Deputy Clerk
(810) 629-8631
The Clerk’s office is responsible for conducting all elections within the township. This includes voting at the national, state, county and township levels and includes elections for local school districts, libraries and special elections. In this function the Clerk is responsible for voter registration and maintaining the list of registered voters. Additionally, absentee ballots are requested from the Clerk.
The Michigan Voter Information Center is a great resource and provides an assortment of information related to voter registration and election administration in Michigan.
The Livingston County Clerk also provides a wealth of election information, from election results, proposals, candidate and delegate filing information and deadlines on their Election Information page.
A map of the precincts may be found here. Not sure if you are a registered voter? Don’t know which precinct you live in? Visit the Michigan Voter Information Center.
Precinct 1 (Linden School District)
Tyrone Township Hall
8420 Runyan Lake Rd.
(East of US23, south of Center Rd.)
Precinct 2 and 3 (Fenton School District)
Tyrone Covenant Presbyterian Church
10235 White Lake Rd.
(West of US23, across from Tyrone Memorial Cemetery)
Precinct 4 (Hartland School District)
Tyrone Township Hall
8420 Runyan Lake Rd.
(East of US23, south of Center Rd.)
PERMANENT BALLOT LIST: Part of Proposal 2022-2, passed by voters, allows voters to be placed on a permanent list to receive a mailed ballot for future elections. The application requirement was eliminated.
Voters who were on the perm application list received an application in December 2023. This application included an option to join the Absentee Ballot list. If a voter selected this option, the Clerk’s office will automatically mail a ballot to voters on the list for all future elections. Voters who did not select this option will be required to request an absentee ballot in writing before every election in which they wish to vote absentee.
Request to be on the permanent ballot list:
• Online at the Michigan Voter Information Center, or by
• Completing the Permanent Ballot List form and return to the Clerk’s department.
RECEIVING A MAIL BALLOT IN-PERSON: Voters may visit the Clerk’s department and receive a ballot in person. Photo ID or affidavit is required. By law, we can NOT give out a spouse’s ballot if not present.
TEMPORARY ADDRESSES: By law, the post office cannot mail a ballot to a forwarded mail address. If you will be out of town and need your ballot mailed to an address other than your residence, please complete this Temporary Address Request form. Each voter will need to sign his or her own request.
Military or overseas civilian voters, who are eligible to register and vote in Michigan, can receive a ballot by e-mail or fax to easily vote. The ballot will be required still be required to be returned by postal mail.
MILITARY OR OVERSEAS VOTERS can request ballots by returning the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA). Additional information about the Federal Voting Assistance Program can be found here.
State of Michigan– Early in-person voting
Michigan Voter Information Center
Yes, you can use the drop boxes!
The drop boxes may be used for mail ballots. It is secure, locked and the it won’t get lost in the mail. So, yes, please use! A drive through box is located in the parking lot near the building, another on the wall near the front entrance, and one is placed inside the lobby during office hours. Photos here.
By law the post office cannot mail ballots to a forwarded address. If you are out of town and need your ballot mailed to address other than your residence, please complete and submit the Temporary Address Request form.
In an OPEN PRIMARY voters receive a ballot with a column listing each party’s candidates. Voters then decide which party they wish to participate in by voting only in the column of their party. Voting for candidates in more than one party will void the entire partisan ballot.
Voters in a CLOSED PRIMARY must state the party they wish to vote BEFORE receiving a ballot. The ballot given only shows the party of choice.